Core Values

We are faithful to the “old ways”—the church’s doctrine and worship, tried and true, unchanged and unchangeable. We preach only the eternal truths of the Christian faith straight from Sacred Scripture and true to the witness of the early church—no modern sell-outs.
You’ll experience worship in the ancient and venerable ways, just as the early Christians did, the central prayers of which have been exactly the same since the days when our forebears in the faith emerged from the catacombs. 

As a Christian you have a right to sound doctrine and pure worship—a right that no one can take away; not even a synod, conference, pastor, bishop, pope or patriarch.
If you want to worship and believe as Christians have always worshiped and believed, join us.
We are a small community of Christian believers who are dedicated to reviving Early Christian tradition and Scriptural focus, truths, principles and the traditional Christian lifestyle.

From about 33 A.D. to 300 AD, the Church was markedly different from the world it existed in. Indeed, when one looks back, it becomes painfully obvious that the early Church stands in dramatic contrast to the institutional churches of our day, much less the modern world.

Theirs was a time of true unity, love and selfless sacrifice. As time has gone on the Church has lost much of this focus. 

Tree of Life Fellowship was founded by a group of committed Christians who desire to teach the same doctrines as the Early Christians, worship as the Early Christians worshiped, and live our lives the way they lived. We are Biblical Christians, and as such are orthodox in the true sense of the word. We desire...

to love God
to love our neighbor as ourselves
to seek holiness by yielding ourselves to God entirely, 
to share in and proclaim His glory and Gospel
to live in joyful communion with Him and each other
to enjoy His bountiful gifts
to offer His gifts and ourselves back to Him in thanksgiving
to participate in His loving care and reign over all creation
to live the Faith taught by Christ, His Apostles and the first Christians.