Ancient Christianity

“Let it be understood that those who are not living by Christ's teachings are not Christians at all - even though they might profess his teachings with their lips.” 
—Justin Martyr (160AD)

The people at Tree of Life Fellowship are disciples of Jesus who do all in their power to preserve, teach and live the Christian faith in a manner consistent with how it has always been understood; who seek to live a life in conformity to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who desire holiness, and who strive to preserve all of the Apostolic traditions of the early church. We are not some "branch of the church," or some "splinter group", nor are we a cult; we are quite simply Christians to whom the adjectives "Apostolic", "orthodox", and "ancient" applies. We are the same Christians of the book of Acts.

Such Christians accept the following:

The dogmas of the Christian Faith should be understood in a manner consistent with the way Christians had always understood them, and that original expression must be restored, maintained, and lived in purity- avoiding novelties and the accretions of hundreds of years of human tradition. Sacred Scripture, Apostolic tradition, the inspiration of the Holy Spirit are of paramount importance. We want to make the ancient a significant part of our future. We have a
 strong desire to preserve and restore all of the early Christian practices and understandings of the Christian Faith, and to do so not because these are "preferred," but because they are objectively superior to the “new” ways of the of the post-modern church. This means we live the Gospel as the earliest disciples did.

Commitment to a strong Biblical focus, including a cautious approach to novelty are hallmarks of discernment. We are fully Evangelical Christians who grew tired of modernism. We're tired of pep rally services, clown masses, televangelism, empty ritualism, rock bands as worship, liberalism, the gay and lesbian agenda asserting itself in church, and a general absorbing of worldly attitudes, thinking and goals. We are a people who truly desire to be everything "holy" implies- set apart to God as His possession, set apart from sin, and set apart from worldliness and all that is common.